Hey guys,
I think I found 2 bugs:
- In the output of the decoder, replaced
by softmax
- Although in the guide I’m doing
dist.LogNormal(theta_loc, (0.5 * theta_scale).exp())
(if I use theta_scale
directly this generates NaN losses), I should not do it in the model. In the model I’m sampling theta with simply dist.LogNormal(theta_loc, theta_scale)
With these 2 modifications (code here), it looks like the topics are more coherent (I’m eyeballing). Here are some examples. Pls take a look and let me know if you think it’s good enough
Oh, btw, there’s another problem… Now that finally the topics look like they are coherent, every once in a while the training “explodes” with NaN losses… don’t know how to fix that yet…
Top 20 words of some of the 100 topics:
[‘kashmir’ ‘hindu’ ‘sikh’ ‘srinagar’ ‘militant’ ‘inkatha’ ‘punjab’
‘separatist’ ‘amritsar’ ‘birendra’ ‘policeman’ ‘secession’ ‘india’
‘johannesburg’ ‘ira’ ‘gillespie’ ‘flared’ ‘pakistani’ ‘moslem’
[‘lenin’ ‘prague’ ‘trotsky’ ‘havana’ ‘seoul’ ‘korea’ ‘zinoviev’ ‘korean’
‘roh’ ‘ctk’ ‘czechoslovak’ ‘peninsula’ ‘czechoslovakia’ ‘stalin’
‘disperse’ ‘revolution’ ‘ukrainian’ ‘ershad’ ‘pakistan’ ‘sinhalese’]
[‘abortion’ ‘defeated’ ‘incest’ ‘reconciliation’ ‘botha’ ‘nicaraguan’
‘legalized’ ‘robb’ ‘apartheid’ ‘impoverished’ ‘blanchard’ ‘brooklyn’
‘kaunda’ ‘succeed’ ‘ineligible’ ‘colombia’ ‘tragic’ ‘freeze’ ‘favor’
[‘soybean’ ‘brazil’ ‘usda’ ‘argentina’ ‘ton’ ‘semiconductor’ ‘harvest’
‘output’ ‘metric’ ‘forecast’ ‘chinn’ ‘vegetable’ ‘beef’ ‘opec’ ‘colony’
‘soared’ ‘strongest’ ‘sahara’ ‘spanish’ ‘midway’]
[‘nyse’ ‘industrials’ ‘outnumbered’ ‘composite’ ‘quarterly’ ‘dow’ ‘listed’
‘volume’ ‘rsqb’ ‘sluggish’ ‘index’ ‘lsqb’ ‘unchanged’ ‘temperature’
‘nationwide’ ‘geological’ ‘telegraph’ ‘noontime’ ‘minus’ ‘transistor’]
[‘royal’ ‘injury’ ‘offended’ ‘injured’ ‘hospital’ ‘aboard’ ‘parked’
‘jackpot’ ‘ireland’ ‘injuring’ ‘flying’ ‘scene’ ‘evacuate’ ‘toll’
‘coffee’ ‘struck’ ‘driver’ ‘exploded’ ‘character’ ‘trailer’]
[‘nobel’ ‘birthday’ ‘celebration’ ‘hirohito’ ‘sakharov’ ‘prague’
‘treasure’ ‘zealand’ ‘asia’ ‘hitler’ ‘royal’ ‘mansfield’ ‘rabuka’ ‘prize’
‘hunger’ ‘fijian’ ‘indian’ ‘cheering’ ‘sister’ ‘china’]
[‘franc’ ‘zurich’ ‘midmorning’ ‘bid’ ‘ounce’ ‘fixed’ ‘hong’ ‘bullion’
‘troy’ ‘kong’ ‘london’ ‘yen’ ‘gold’ ‘silver’ ‘compared’ ‘cdy’ ‘late’
‘swiss’ ‘dutch’ ‘mark’]
[‘wild’ ‘flower’ ‘repair’ ‘campbell’ ‘endangered’ ‘chain’ ‘airplane’
‘charging’ ‘payless’ ‘airline’ ‘oman’ ‘philippine’ ‘route’ ‘video’
‘flight’ ‘aeronautics’ ‘elephant’ ‘conservation’ ‘owner’ ‘dealer’]
[‘elliot’ ‘busfield’ ‘elevator’ ‘cart’ ‘hose’ ‘love’ ‘plate’ ‘cream’
‘ryan’ ‘gown’ ‘hunter’ ‘midshipman’ ‘ballet’ ‘danced’ ‘shark’ ‘tired’
‘honored’ ‘academy’ ‘alice’ ‘broken’]
[‘texaco’ ‘nyse’ ‘nabisco’ ‘composite’ ‘polaroid’ ‘unchanged’ ‘shamrock’
‘icahn’ ‘lsqb’ ‘kravis’ ‘rjr’ ‘actively’ ‘wilshire’ ‘kohlberg’ ‘kraft’
‘takeover’ ‘counter’ ‘nasdaq’ ‘industrials’ ‘blue’]
[‘air’ ‘plane’ ‘gallon’ ‘boeing’ ‘cdy’ ‘pump’ ‘bound’ ‘unleaded’ ‘marine’
‘sea’ ‘command’ ‘collided’ ‘jet’ ‘lebanon’ ‘booster’ ‘carrying’
‘airplane’ ‘islamic’ ‘aeronautics’ ‘clr’]
[‘cemetery’ ‘trible’ ‘vatican’ ‘nobel’ ‘emigrate’ ‘coffin’ ‘haiti’
‘archdiocese’ ‘toussaint’ ‘saint’ ‘richards’ ‘chafee’ ‘cathedral’
‘haitian’ ‘roman’ ‘honoring’ ‘pope’ ‘weicker’ ‘monsignor’ ‘rape’]
[‘owned’ ‘gallery’ ‘semiconductor’ ‘sale’ ‘quarterly’ ‘memory’ ‘whirlpool’
‘usg’ ‘pain’ ‘auction’ ‘census’ ‘partner’ ‘earnings’ ‘smithkline’
‘acquisition’ ‘net’ ‘share’ ‘product’ ‘aspirin’ ‘based’]
[‘angola’ ‘libyan’ ‘cuban’ ‘vanuatu’ ‘guerrilla’ ‘raid’ ‘asylum’ ‘ugandan’
‘curfew’ ‘ershad’ ‘plot’ ‘bombing’ ‘australian’ ‘iranian’ ‘sidon’
‘buckey’ ‘monitored’ ‘hepatitis’ ‘angolan’ ‘nephew’]
[‘cftc’ ‘commodity’ ‘sec’ ‘merc’ ‘regulatory’ ‘brady’ ‘future’ ‘silverado’
‘rostenkowski’ ‘mercantile’ ‘firm’ ‘dominate’ ‘index’ ‘swing’ ‘colorado’
‘bond’ ‘junk’ ‘volatility’ ‘trading’ ‘polaroid’]
[‘aristide’ ‘heseltine’ ‘haiti’ ‘haitian’ ‘sajudis’ ‘totally’ ‘accuse’
‘parliamentary’ ‘hurd’ ‘lithuania’ ‘politburo’ ‘khrushchev’ ‘walesa’
‘mazowiecki’ ‘suitable’ ‘thatcher’ ‘luck’ ‘lithuanian’ ‘balloting’
[‘cent’ ‘pork’ ‘soybean’ ‘bushel’ ‘cattle’ ‘lespinasse’ ‘mixed’ ‘delivery’
‘feeder’ ‘livestock’ ‘nikkei’ ‘lower’ ‘yen’ ‘corn’ ‘witter’ ‘mercantile’
‘grain’ ‘victor’ ‘unleaded’ ‘bullish’]
[‘manila’ ‘rescue’ ‘mine’ ‘population’ ‘boucher’ ‘aquino’ ‘anwar’
‘gadhafi’ ‘corazon’ ‘flown’ ‘blasted’ ‘freed’ ‘shaft’ ‘sassan’ ‘evacuate’
‘exile’ ‘mubarak’ ‘squad’ ‘hull’ ‘baghdad’]
[‘prague’ ‘czechoslovakia’ ‘hunthausen’ ‘clinton’ ‘carson’ ‘turkey’
‘rinfret’ ‘sadat’ ‘ruth’ ‘duarte’ ‘czechoslovak’ ‘portuguese’ ‘chile’
‘morocco’ ‘polisario’ ‘robb’ ‘legalizing’ ‘holy’ ‘invited’ ‘vatican’]
[‘momentum’ ‘cuomo’ ‘endorse’ ‘wisconsin’ ‘tennessee’ ‘deadlocked’
‘distant’ ‘gore’ ‘coupled’ ‘marino’ ‘regained’ ‘andreas’ ‘mario’
‘colorado’ ‘koch’ ‘applies’ ‘fueled’ ‘primary’ ‘convention’ ‘attacking’]
[‘index’ ‘industrials’ ‘billboard’ ‘chicken’ ‘succeeds’ ‘redman’ ‘average’
‘exchange’ ‘rca’ ‘nikkei’ ‘minimum’ ‘lowering’ ‘elliot’ ‘coniston’
‘stock’ ‘nyse’ ‘pm’ ‘netherlands’ ‘outnumbered’ ‘testament’]
[‘bail’ ‘kahane’ ‘nosair’ ‘magistrate’ ‘van’ ‘grammer’ ‘nuys’ ‘bombing’
‘rabbi’ ‘indictment’ ‘diamond’ ‘wounding’ ‘false’ ‘custom’ ‘arrested’
‘explosive’ ‘submitting’ ‘gaza’ ‘rehabilitation’ ‘juan’]
[‘vincennes’ ‘ice’ ‘altitude’ ‘fatigue’ ‘terminal’ ‘airbus’ ‘inlet’ ‘ship’
‘flown’ ‘pilot’ ‘boeing’ ‘ash’ ‘takeoff’ ‘fighter’ ‘bomber’ ‘patmos’
‘monastery’ ‘plane’ ‘col’ ‘aircraft’]
[‘koppers’ ‘lorimar’ ‘acquisition’ ‘kinnock’ ‘promoted’ ‘justice’ ‘warner’
‘deductible’ ‘appeal’ ‘stamp’ ‘wrongdoing’ ‘dynamic’ ‘violates’
‘repurchase’ ‘bordallo’ ‘craft’ ‘squad’ ‘acquire’ ‘mariel’ ‘processed’]
[‘billboard’ ‘elevator’ ‘hose’ ‘busfield’ ‘postal’ ‘accepted’ ‘cream’
‘hudson’ ‘elliot’ ‘nikkei’ ‘naples’ ‘trapped’ ‘guinness’ ‘gown’
‘catherine’ ‘cart’ ‘constable’ ‘lackluster’ ‘diet’ ‘honored’]
[‘cent’ ‘silver’ ‘heating’ ‘cattle’ ‘crude’ ‘unleaded’ ‘mercantile’
‘gallon’ ‘pork’ ‘juice’ ‘cocoa’ ‘sweet’ ‘pound’ ‘florio’ ‘eighty’
‘pressured’ ‘delivery’ ‘livestock’ ‘precious’ ‘bundesbank’]
[‘ireland’ ‘crashed’ ‘irish’ ‘ira’ ‘bombing’ ‘sudan’ ‘arrested’ ‘occurred’
‘constabulary’ ‘sowan’ ‘shooting’ ‘injury’ ‘ulster’ ‘richter’ ‘coat’
‘bathroom’ ‘constable’ ‘injuring’ ‘mohawk’ ‘roman’]
[‘incumbent’ ‘mondale’ ‘quayle’ ‘pageant’ ‘bentsen’ ‘education’ ‘graduate’
‘tyler’ ‘tech’ ‘roosevelt’ ‘bono’ ‘liberal’ ‘tory’ ‘essentially’ ‘pie’
‘rarely’ ‘lip’ ‘toussaint’ ‘agrees’ ‘electoral’]
[‘survey’ ‘plus’ ‘tax’ ‘expense’ ‘poll’ ‘tribune’ ‘surveyed’ ‘latest’
‘minus’ ‘auction’ ‘deduction’ ‘job’ ‘premium’ ‘percent’ ‘unchanged’
‘income’ ‘error’ ‘sale’ ‘buyer’ ‘jackpot’]
[‘ussr’ ‘seidon’ ‘duchess’ ‘supersonic’ ‘forman’ ‘zieman’ ‘lindsey’
‘duarte’ ‘hud’ ‘conceicao’ ‘teenager’ ‘p’ ‘rison’ ‘bujang’
‘kristallnacht’ ‘drake’ ‘cbn’ ‘kalugin’ ‘barboza’ ‘batalla’]
[‘statehood’ ‘souter’ ‘cambodia’ ‘rouge’ ‘khmer’ ‘boucher’ ‘montana’
‘lautenberg’ ‘coat’ ‘genuine’ ‘judiciary’ ‘cambodian’ ‘jersey’ ‘changing’
‘beijing’ ‘boharski’ ‘wyo’ ‘comprehensive’ ‘constitutionally’ ‘nunn’]
[‘symphony’ ‘orchestra’ ‘baltimore’ ‘musician’ ‘ticketron’ ‘telecharge’
‘berrigan’ ‘teletron’ ‘knocked’ ‘temperature’ ‘utility’ ‘humidity’
‘musical’ ‘pageant’ ‘mcdermott’ ‘tunnel’ ‘hottest’ ‘cool’ ‘broadway’
[‘route’ ‘engine’ ‘digital’ ‘diamond’ ‘byrne’ ‘altitude’ ‘duty’ ‘sgt’
‘wind’ ‘plane’ ‘leg’ ‘hittle’ ‘burton’ ‘bird’ ‘odds’ ‘karpov’ ‘box’
‘driven’ ‘pick’ ‘langley’]
[‘opera’ ‘jackpot’ ‘mouse’ ‘prize’ ‘poem’ ‘apple’ ‘temperature’ ‘theater’
‘bird’ ‘sang’ ‘drawing’ ‘cartoon’ ‘transistor’ ‘aspirin’ ‘bain’ ‘debut’
‘character’ ‘pet’ ‘computer’ ‘packaging’]
[‘revenue’ ‘earnings’ ‘owned’ ‘income’ ‘levin’ ‘exempt’ ‘quarter’ ‘gm’
‘coastamerica’ ‘fiscal’ ‘motor’ ‘medicare’ ‘whirlpool’ ‘repurchase’
‘deduction’ ‘hardware’ ‘acquisition’ ‘fec’ ‘budget’ ‘billion’]
[‘portuguese’ ‘turkish’ ‘robb’ ‘forum’ ‘commissioner’ ‘ratification’
‘nominate’ ‘luxembourg’ ‘irs’ ‘retiring’ ‘rude’ ‘promoted’ ‘invaded’ ‘ec’
‘onetime’ ‘portugal’ ‘bradley’ ‘brussels’ ‘baghdad’ ‘civic’]
[‘ual’ ‘mall’ ‘pedestrian’ ‘drexel’ ‘sand’ ‘spouse’ ‘houstoun’ ‘coniston’
‘wolf’ ‘probate’ ‘estate’ ‘storer’ ‘pension’ ‘charitable’ ‘oral’
‘implant’ ‘deduction’ ‘milken’ ‘taxable’ ‘buyout’]
[‘manila’ ‘pan’ ‘student’ ‘vessel’ ‘brando’ ‘attempted’ ‘brigade’ ‘rabuka’
‘sakharov’ ‘dickman’ ‘sister’ ‘deadly’ ‘buddhist’ ‘squad’ ‘richter’
‘refugee’ ‘protest’ ‘hazelwood’ ‘passport’ ‘aquino’]
[‘philippine’ ‘ortega’ ‘sandinistas’ ‘cardinal’ ‘pittston’ ‘takeshita’
‘obando’ ‘concession’ ‘marcos’ ‘countryside’ ‘subic’ ‘prensa’ ‘tactical’
‘filipino’ ‘formal’ ‘managua’ ‘truce’ ‘insisted’ ‘resistance’ ‘japanese’]
[‘charter’ ‘negotiated’ ‘castro’ ‘mozambique’ ‘dialogue’ ‘stormed’
‘sharon’ ‘bent’ ‘autonomy’ ‘uta’ ‘amid’ ‘nationally’ ‘fidel’ ‘demanding’
‘marxist’ ‘missed’ ‘syria’ ‘stalled’ ‘likud’ ‘shouting’]
[‘steiger’ ‘assignment’ ‘aspirin’ ‘garrity’ ‘ranch’ ‘school’ ‘faculty’
‘fbi’ ‘extortion’ ‘discrimination’ ‘agent’ ‘cano’ ‘hoyt’ ‘eligible’
‘chelsea’ ‘student’ ‘prom’ ‘class’ ‘hispanic’ ‘board’]
[‘nida’ ‘lauer’ ‘robbery’ ‘murder’ ‘grammer’ ‘yates’ ‘stabbed’ ‘raping’
‘girl’ ‘clem’ ‘wound’ ‘sentenced’ ‘rehabilitation’ ‘lobban’ ‘medellin’
‘radakovich’ ‘homicide’ ‘gunshot’ ‘theft’ ‘tosh’]
[‘rust’ ‘shuttle’ ‘launch’ ‘unmanned’ ‘manned’ ‘photo’ ‘payload’
‘vandenberg’ ‘pad’ ‘ballet’ ‘botswana’ ‘nasa’ ‘space’ ‘craft’ ‘pontiff’
‘discovery’ ‘booster’ ‘newscast’ ‘orbit’ ‘aeronautics’]
[‘disapproved’ ‘totaled’ ‘percent’ ‘earnings’ ‘quarter’ ‘net’ ‘survey’
‘poll’ ‘census’ ‘statistical’ ‘handling’ ‘adult’ ‘index’ ‘salary’
‘employed’ ‘bureau’ ‘koppers’ ‘manufacturing’ ‘repurchase’ ‘structural’]
[‘infected’ ‘cell’ ‘cdc’ ‘virus’ ‘lang’ ‘epstein’ ‘infection’ ‘monet’
‘weight’ ‘nikolais’ ‘receptor’ ‘ticketron’ ‘fleisher’ ‘researcher’
‘diagnosed’ ‘disorder’ ‘marrow’ ‘teletron’ ‘hiv’ ‘telecharge’]
[‘baugh’ ‘swaggart’ ‘nosair’ ‘brawley’ ‘abrams’ ‘cruzan’ ‘haldeman’
‘feazell’ ‘tube’ ‘menorah’ ‘gracyalny’ ‘kidnapping’ ‘manslaughter’
‘murder’ ‘bail’ ‘coma’ ‘teitelbaum’ ‘rape’ ‘guardian’ ‘mistrial’]
[‘rangoon’ ‘aoun’ ‘burma’ ‘militia’ ‘hezbollah’ ‘maung’ ‘geagea’ ‘amal’
‘sinhalese’ ‘sein’ ‘lebanese’ ‘beirut’ ‘fighter’ ‘shiite’ ‘kurdish’
‘syrian’ ‘ne’ ‘enclave’ ‘honduran’ ‘hrawi’]
[‘drunk’ ‘cosby’ ‘billboard’ ‘winery’ ‘saved’ ‘license’ ‘stealing’ ‘plate’
‘academy’ ‘dance’ ‘census’ ‘watson’ ‘putnam’ ‘aaron’ ‘ear’ ‘school’
‘compact’ ‘cassette’ ‘snake’ ‘graduation’]
[‘fda’ ‘classroom’ ‘dartmouth’ ‘hanford’ ‘bowen’ ‘monkey’ ‘effective’
‘tissue’ ‘microbe’ ‘faculty’ ‘hatch’ ‘biomedical’ ‘usda’ ‘procedure’
‘essay’ ‘nih’ ‘ag’ ‘substance’ ‘curran’ ‘biological’]
[‘gop’ ‘gov’ ‘sasser’ ‘robb’ ‘dawkins’ ‘thornburgh’ ‘mead’ ‘durenberger’
‘democrat’ ‘republican’ ‘popov’ ‘incumbent’ ‘race’ ‘briefly’ ‘survey’
‘mate’ ‘simpson’ ‘tennessee’ ‘lyndon’ ‘fec’]
[‘grande’ ‘solomon’ ‘yates’ ‘warmus’ ‘grammer’ ‘pacific’ ‘gunter’ ‘clem’
‘icc’ ‘rating’ ‘cool’ ‘rio’ ‘nbc’ ‘drink’ ‘cbs’ ‘bird’ ‘nuys’
‘williamson’ ‘detective’ ‘bloomberg’]
[‘poindexter’ ‘bloom’ ‘videotape’ ‘webb’ ‘immunized’ ‘boesky’ ‘gesell’
‘hakim’ ‘secord’ ‘deposition’ ‘dixon’ ‘walsh’ ‘milken’ ‘transcript’
‘immunity’ ‘illegally’ ‘ruby’ ‘independently’ ‘pleading’ ‘mundy’]
[‘yen’ ‘industrials’ ‘tally’ ‘volume’ ‘dealer’ ‘unchanged’ ‘volvo’ ‘nyse’
‘mood’ ‘quarterly’ ‘listed’ ‘outnumbered’ ‘index’ ‘dividend’ ‘nikkei’
‘bid’ ‘laurentiis’ ‘share’ ‘triple’ ‘compared’]
[‘nest’ ‘nbc’ ‘turtle’ ‘nebinger’ ‘nesting’ ‘hose’ ‘aircraft’ ‘student’
‘mcdonnell’ ‘component’ ‘skin’ ‘australian’ ‘pauley’ ‘valdez’ ‘turkey’
‘efficient’ ‘encouraging’ ‘auto’ ‘maturity’ ‘rajneesh’]
[‘china’ ‘jail’ ‘benson’ ‘asia’ ‘contract’ ‘charity’ ‘editor’ ‘funding’
‘guideline’ ‘strike’ ‘holderman’ ‘intelligence’ ‘chinese’ ‘beijing’
‘cambodia’ ‘protesting’ ‘permission’ ‘greyhound’ ‘archbishop’ ‘local’]
[‘olympic’ ‘seoul’ ‘game’ ‘torch’ ‘cardinal’ ‘stadium’ ‘bofill’ ‘tunnel’
‘procession’ ‘viett’ ‘mcdermott’ ‘soccer’ ‘korea’ ‘korean’ ‘boycott’
‘athletic’ ‘albrecht’ ‘harmon’ ‘showcase’ ‘medal’]
[‘unchanged’ ‘quarterly’ ‘adjusted’ ‘revised’ ‘seasonally’ ‘decline’
‘smithkline’ ‘industrials’ ‘pharmaceutical’ ‘reduced’ ‘mortgage’ ‘net’
‘earnings’ ‘month’ ‘previous’ ‘imf’ ‘plc’ ‘jumped’ ‘nyse’ ‘sale’]
[‘yen’ ‘franc’ ‘swiss’ ‘zurich’ ‘bullion’ ‘ounce’ ‘gold’ ‘troy’ ‘bid’
‘kong’ ‘hong’ ‘tokyo’ ‘italian’ ‘dealer’ ‘london’ ‘milan’ ‘late’
‘canadian’ ‘dutch’ ‘silver’]
[‘asylum’ ‘expelled’ ‘cuban’ ‘halfway’ ‘mariel’ ‘benedict’ ‘claude’
‘extradition’ ‘riot’ ‘ferdinand’ ‘detention’ ‘payoff’ ‘plotting’ ‘anc’
‘bordallo’ ‘refugee’ ‘bribery’ ‘corazon’ ‘frame’ ‘arrested’]
[‘storm’ ‘cuito’ ‘avalanche’ ‘india’ ‘timber’ ‘tamil’ ‘mph’ ‘hindu’
‘shell’ ‘wind’ ‘patrol’ ‘offensive’ ‘boat’ ‘blew’ ‘evacuated’ ‘angolan’
‘angola’ ‘barrage’ ‘peninsula’ ‘yard’]
[‘acquire’ ‘acquisition’ ‘koppers’ ‘ual’ ‘plane’ ‘crashed’ ‘ussr’
‘championship’ ‘coniston’ ‘pilot’ ‘subsidiary’ ‘ltd’ ‘chris’
‘shareholder’ ‘blaze’ ‘purchase’ ‘elevator’ ‘lorimar’ ‘boeing’ ‘ton’]
[‘crashed’ ‘publisher’ ‘plane’ ‘spraying’ ‘charity’ ‘mediterranean’
‘asylum’ ‘arrive’ ‘rca’ ‘czechoslovakia’ ‘lamp’ ‘pilot’ ‘write’ ‘refugee’
‘irishman’ ‘hospital’ ‘prize’ ‘missing’ ‘marry’ ‘fluid’]
[‘matching’ ‘irs’ ‘gibbs’ ‘pesticide’ ‘corporation’ ‘bender’ ‘mckay’
‘barnard’ ‘endangered’ ‘meese’ ‘silverado’ ‘postal’ ‘ames’ ‘habitat’
‘wildlife’ ‘dividend’ ‘verify’ ‘commissioner’ ‘miller’ ‘totaling’]
[‘index’ ‘stock’ ‘nyse’ ‘market’ ‘composite’ ‘trading’ ‘dow’ ‘listed’
‘industrials’ ‘rsqb’ ‘volume’ ‘exchange’ ‘nitrogen’ ‘broker’ ‘lsqb’
‘superconducting’ ‘outnumbered’ ‘zero’ ‘airline’ ‘video’]
[‘route’ ‘banker’ ‘airline’ ‘authorized’ ‘import’ ‘delta’ ‘borer’ ‘spill’
‘carrier’ ‘laurentiis’ ‘qatar’ ‘exporter’ ‘air’ ‘maker’ ‘uta’ ‘vaccine’
‘operate’ ‘backup’ ‘cftc’ ‘purchase’]
[‘robb’ ‘boschwitz’ ‘wellstone’ ‘jesse’ ‘sofaer’ ‘hart’ ‘ratification’
‘treaty’ ‘governor’ ‘clinton’ ‘tribune’ ‘dawkins’ ‘bentsen’ ‘abm’
‘lowell’ ‘fec’ ‘senator’ ‘carson’ ‘durenberger’ ‘supporter’]
[‘coup’ ‘avril’ ‘uprising’ ‘haitian’ ‘expelled’ ‘enrile’ ‘township’
‘arrested’ ‘haiti’ ‘arrest’ ‘namphy’ ‘kashmir’ ‘fighter’ ‘laurel’
‘moslem’ ‘inkatha’ ‘shining’ ‘col’ ‘ireland’ ‘pakistan’]