- What tutorial are you running?
Example: Amortized Latent Dirichlet Allocation ā Pyro Tutorials 1.8.4 documentation - What version of Pyro are you using?
'1.4.0+2dfa8da0 - Please link or paste relevant code, and steps to reproduce.
Based on the Pyro LDA tutorial, I changed the code to support varying number of words in documents and applied it to some dataset with 856 documents that contain abstracts of papers.
In the model, I changed with plate to for plate to support varying number of documents. Also, I removed triggering enumeration [pyro.sample("doc_topics_{}".format(doc), dist.Dirichlet(topic_weights),infer={"enumerate": "parallel"})
] since with for plate it gives error.
def model(data=None, num_words_per_doc=None, args=None):
with pyro.plate("topics", args.num_topics):
topic_weights = pyro.sample("topic_weights", dist.Gamma(1. / args.num_topics, 1.))
topic_words = pyro.sample("topic_words",
dist.Dirichlet(torch.ones(args.num_words) / args.num_words)
# Changed here to from vector(with) to iteration to support varying number
# of words (num_words_per_doc) .
# with pyro.plate("documents", args.num_docs) as ind:
for doc in pyro.plate("documents", args.num_docs):
doc_topics = pyro.sample("doc_topics_{}".format(doc), dist.Dirichlet(topic_weights))
with pyro.plate("words_{}".format(doc), num_words_per_doc[doc]):
word_topics = pyro.sample("word_topics_{}".format(doc), dist.Categorical(doc_topics))
pyro.sample("doc_words_{}".format(doc), dist.Categorical(topic_words[word_topics]),
return topic_weights, topic_words
Then, used same predictor for the guide
# We will use amortized inference of the local topic variables, achieved by a
# multi-layer perceptron. We'll wrap the guide in an nn.Module.
def make_predictor(args):
layer_sizes = ([args.num_words] +
[int(s) for s in args.layer_sizes.split('-')] +
logging.info('Creating MLP with sizes {}'.format(layer_sizes))
layers = []
for in_size, out_size in zip(layer_sizes, layer_sizes[1:]):
layer = nn.Linear(in_size, out_size)
layer.weight.data.normal_(0, 0.001)
layer.bias.data.normal_(0, 0.001)
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
Changed the guide according to model since enumeration is removed, I added words_{} plate and slightly changed the predictor part to make it compatible with documents plate for loop. I also removed subsampling since it gives key error in the pyro.infer.Predictive while getting the posterior samples:
def parametrized_guide(predictor, data, num_words_per_doc, args):
# Use a conjugate guide for global variables.
topic_weights_posterior = pyro.param(
lambda: torch.ones(args.num_topics),
topic_words_posterior = pyro.param(
lambda: torch.ones(args.num_topics, args.num_words),
with pyro.plate("topics", args.num_topics):
pyro.sample("topic_weights", dist.Gamma(topic_weights_posterior, 1.))
pyro.sample("topic_words", dist.Dirichlet(topic_words_posterior))
# Use an amortized guide for local variables.
pyro.module("predictor", predictor)
for doc in pyro.plate("documents", args.num_docs):
# data = data[:, ind]
# The neural network will operate on histograms rather than word
# index vectors, so we'll convert the raw data to a histogram.
counts = torch.zeros(args.num_words, 1)
for i in data[doc]: counts[i] += 1
# .scatter_add(0, data[doc], torch.ones(data[doc].shape)))
doc_topics = predictor(counts.transpose(0, 1))
pyro.sample("doc_topics_{}".format(doc), dist.Delta(doc_topics, event_dim=1))
# added this part since
with pyro.plate("words_{}".format(doc), num_words_per_doc[doc]):
word_topics = pyro.sample("word_topics_{}".format(doc), dist.Categorical(doc_topics))
In the main method, except data preprocessing and using Trace_ELBO instead of TraceEnum_ELBO [since I removed enumeration] basically it is same as the tutorial.
def main(args):
documents = pd.read_csv('../Data/ToyExample/papers2017.csv', error_bad_lines=False)
processed_docs = documents['abstract'].map(preprocess)
vocabulary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(processed_docs)
vocabulary.filter_extremes(no_below=10, no_above=0.5)
data = [torch.tensor(list(filter(lambda a: a!=-1,vocabulary.doc2idx(doc))),dtype=torch.int64) for doc in processed_docs]
N = list(map(len, data))
args.num_words = len(vocabulary)
args.num_docs = len(data)
map(lambda x:x[1], bow_corpus[1])
# We'll train using SVI.
logging.info('Training on {} documents'.format(args.num_docs))
predictor = make_predictor(args)
guide = functools.partial(parametrized_guide, predictor)
Elbo = JitTraceEnum_ELBO if args.jit else Trace_ELBO
elbo = Elbo(max_plate_nesting=2)
optim = ClippedAdam({'lr': args.learning_rate})
svi = SVI(model, guide, optim, elbo)
for step in range(args.num_steps):
loss = svi.step(data, N, args=args)
if step % 10 == 0:
logging.info('{: >5d}\t{}'.format(step, loss))
loss = elbo.loss(model, guide, data,N, args=args)
logging.info('final loss = {}'.format(loss))
predictive = Predictive(model, guide=guide, num_samples=num_samples)
samples = predictive(data, N, args=args)
When I get the samples, I see that doc_topics_{} are almost the same for all documents even though documents are quite different. And with library like Gensim.model.lda, I was able to produce meaningful topic words and topic distributions for this dataset. The model and guide looks correct to me even though I had to remove enumeration (but instead readded nested plate into the guide). I tried different learning rates(0.005 to 0.5) and the number of steps for SVI up to 5000 but still have the same results. I would appreciate any feedback on that whether the model or guide is wrong.
Thank you in advance.