Working with Coregionalize kernel

Are there any working examples using the Coregionalize kernel for multi-output? I did not see anything on the repo.

I assume it is supposed to be used like this?

K = gp.kernels.Sum(

Having done this, how do you access its output? when I call model() on the resulting GPRegression, I only get 1-D output, whereas I was expecting 2-D (where the second dimension is the size of rank).

Any guidance most welcome.

I think you need to encode your input data with additional one-hot dimensions (quoted from the docs “The typical use case is for modeling correlations among outputs of a multi-output GP, where outputs are coded as distinct data points with one-hot coded features denoting which output each datapoint represents.”) I couldn’t find an example in Pyro but this example in GPFlow illustrates the principle (I guess you can find some similar examples in GPy or other gp frameworks too):

  • instead of working with (X1, X2, X3, …, Xn) → ((y11, y12, …, y1d), (y21, … y2d), …, (yn1, … ynd))
  • we will work with (X1 x (1, …, 0), X1 x (0, 1,…), …X1 x (0,…, 1), X2…) → (y11, y12, …, y1d, y21, …)

And that one-hot encoded matrix is passed to the Sum kernel as the Z input? I’m familiar with the GPFlow implementation, but it seems very different from this one, in that it simply appends a single categorical variable to the inputs to use as the output dimension index. That does not seem to be happening here.

You are right, the categorical variable in Pyro version is in one-hot form. The reason is PyTorch doesn’t support concatenating a real tensor and a long tensor.