Hi @ALund. I’ll share a few things and try to clarify some points.
What your model (or the segment of it that you’ve provided does) is a little nonstandard (not that there’s anything wrong with that):
- it posits that there’s a single latent 2d path that evolves for
data.shape[0] - 1
- There are
noisy observations of this single path (that’s your plate and y
In addition there’s an error with your initialization of data_plate
; if you try running that, you’ll get
TypeError: arange() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (torch.Size, device=torch.device), but expected one of:
* (Number end, *, Tensor out, torch.dtype dtype, torch.layout layout, torch.device device, bool pin_memory, bool requires_grad)
* (Number start, Number end, Number step, *, Tensor out, torch.dtype dtype, torch.layout layout, torch.device device, bool pin_memory, bool requires_grad)
since plate
wants a single positive integer telling it how many terms in the product there are.
I think that what your model may have been intended to do (and many apologies if you did truly mean the interpretation above!) is the more conventional N
observations of timeseries of length T
. These timeseries of length T
correspond to latent rvs (your x_1
and x_2
above) and observed noisy realizations y
Here’s a little model that does exactly that. It’s in 1d and models just a latent random walk and centered state space uncertainty. But it should be pretty clear how you can modify it to meet your needs!
def state_space_model(data, N=1, T=2, prior_drift=0., verbose=False):
# global rvs
drift = pyro.sample('drift', dist.Normal(prior_drift, 1))
vol = pyro.sample('vol', dist.LogNormal(0, 1))
uncert = pyro.sample('uncert', dist.LogNormal(-5, 1))
if verbose:
f"Using drift = {drift}, vol = {vol}, uncert = {uncert}"
# the latent time series you want to infer
# since you want to output this, we initialize a vector where you'll
# save the inferred values
latent = torch.empty((T, N))
# I think you want to plate out the same state space model for N different obs
with pyro.plate('data_plate', N) as n:
x0 = pyro.sample('x0', dist.Normal(drift, vol)) # or whatever your IC might be
latent[0, n] = x0
# now comes the markov part, as you correctly noted
for t in pyro.markov(range(1, T)):
x_t = pyro.sample(
dist.Normal(latent[t - 1, n] + drift, vol)
y_t = pyro.sample(
dist.Normal(x_t, uncert),
obs=data[t - 1, n] if data is not None else None
latent[t, n] = x_t
return pyro.deterministic('latent', latent)
A few things to note here.
- We write
data[t - 1, n]
. This is not because we are being acausal but rather because data should be of shape (N, T - 1)
. So the t - 1
-th element of data
should correspond with the t
-th element of the latent time series. This is because the latent time series must be one element longer as the Markov assumption depends on an initial condition.
- If our goal were actually to infer latent random walks, this is by far not the most efficient way to implement it.
is fundamentally sequential and thus slow. since a random walk with drift mu
and volatility sigma
is a deterministic transformation of white noise, something much quicker would be
noise = pyro.sample('noise', dist.Normal(0, 1).expand((T, N)))
random_walk = pyro.deterministic('random_walk', (mu + sigma * noise).cumsum(dim=0))
But this is not what your model does, so I have implemented it using markov
to make it easier for you to change to meet your needs!
- We wrapped the tensor of all the latent rvs in a
so that we can grab it upon model return. This just makes life easier and doesn’t affect the joint density of the model at all.
- Because our
, vol
, and uncert
are global rvs, each run of the model generates substantially different-looking sample paths. Check it out:
# draws from the prior predictive are shape (T, N)
# each draw uses different draws from global drift and vol params
n_prior_draws = 5
prior_predictive = torch.stack(
[state_space_model(None, N=N, T=T) for _ in range(n_prior_draws)]
colors = plt.get_cmap('cividis', n_prior_draws)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lambda i: ax.plot(prior_predictive[i], color=colors(i)),
Each color corresponds with a different draw from the prior predictive. We drew 5 different draws, each with N = 3
and T = 100
Now, to your question about fitting these models. Since we have a random variable x_t
for each t
in question, it really is not such a bad idea to use one of the built-in autoguide
s to construct your guide:
guide = pyro.infer.autoguide.AutoDiagonalNormal(state_space_model)
optim = pyro.optim.Adam({'lr': 0.01})
svi = pyro.infer.SVI(state_space_model, guide, optim, loss=pyro.infer.Trace_ELBO())
niter = 2500 # or whatever, you'll have to play with this and other optim params
losses = torch.empty((niter,))
for n in range(niter):
loss = svi.step(data, N=data_N, T=data_T)
losses[n] = loss
if n % 50 == 0:
print(f"On iteration {n}, loss = {loss}")
I will say that I do this all the time and it works quite well.
About sampling from the posterior: no problem. There is a great utility class for this called pyro.infer.Predictive
# you can extract the latent time series in a variety of ways
# one of these is the pyro.infer.Predictive class
num_samples = 100
posterior_predictive = pyro.infer.Predictive(
posterior_draws = posterior_predictive(None, N=data_N, T=data_T)
# since our model returns the latent, we should have this in the `latent` value
posterior_draws['latent'].squeeze().shape == (num_samples, data_T, data_N)
So that is just about all there is that. Hopefully this is at least somewhat helpful. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.