TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-92001ec0b75a> in <module>()
18 # print(ix,batch_data.shape,data[:1])
19 # temp=svi.step(data[:1])
---> 20 epoch_loss += svi.step(batch_data)
21 if j % 100 == 0:
22 print("epoch avg loss {}".format(epoch_loss/float(N)))
~/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyro/infer/svi.py in step(self, *args, **kwargs)
73 # get loss and compute gradients
74 with poutine.trace(param_only=True) as param_capture:
---> 75 loss = self.loss_and_grads(self.model, self.guide, *args, **kwargs)
77 params = set(site["value"].unconstrained()
~/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyro/infer/svi.py in _loss_and_grads(*args, **kwargs)
45 if loss_and_grads is None:
46 def _loss_and_grads(*args, **kwargs):
---> 47 loss_val = loss(*args, **kwargs)
48 loss_val.backward()
49 return loss_val
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
please include your code otherwise it is difficult to debug. taking a complete shot in the dark, you probably are passing the string "TraceElbo"
into SVI when it requires the TraceElbo
in the future please use descriptive titles for the errors and format your code output (see edits)