Regression parameters change with conditioning method

I’ve created the following Bayesian Regression code based on the Pyro tutorial.

def model(x_data, y_data):
Model where I've conditioned using "obs"
    # weight, bias priors
    w_prior = Normal(torch.zeros(1, 134), torch.ones(1, 134)).to_event(1)
    b_prior = Normal(torch.tensor([[8.]]), torch.tensor([[1000.]])).to_event(1)

    priors = {'linear.weight': w_prior, 'linear.bias': b_prior}
    lifted_module = pyro.random_module("module", regression_model, priors)
    lifted_reg_model = lifted_module()

    with pyro.plate("map", len(x_data)):
        prediction_mean = lifted_reg_model(x_data)

                   Normal(prediction_mean, scale),
                   obs = y_data)

        return prediction_mean

def model_c(x_data, y_data):
    """ Model where I've omitted obs so I use pyro.condition()"""
    # weight, bias priors
    w_prior = Normal(torch.zeros(1, 134), torch.ones(1, 134)).to_event(1)
    b_prior = Normal(torch.tensor([[8.]]), torch.tensor([[1000.]])).to_event(1)

    priors = {'linear.weight': w_prior, 'linear.bias': b_prior}
    scale = pyro.sample("sigma", Uniform(0., 10.))
    lifted_module = pyro.random_module("module", regression_model, priors)
    lifted_reg_model = lifted_module()

    with pyro.plate("map", len(x_data)):
        prediction_mean = lifted_reg_model(x_data)
                   Normal(prediction_mean, scale))

        return prediction_mean

from pyro.infer.autoguide import AutoDiagonalNormal
# initialize the autodiagonal with init_to_feasible instead of init_to_median
from pyro.infer.autoguide import init_to_feasible

I tested 2 things here:

  1. Calling AutoDiagonalNormal guide and SVI on the function model which uses obs to condition on y. And then checked the parameters.
optim = Adam({"lr": 0.03})

guide = AutoDiagonalNormal(model, init_loc_fn = init_to_feasible)
svi = SVI(model, guide, optim, loss=Trace_ELBO(), num_samples=10000)

num_iterations = 1000
def train():
    for j in range(num_iterations):
        loss = svi.step(X_and_z, Y_million.reshape(1, 3181))
        if j % 100 == 0:
            print("[iteration %04d] loss: %.4f" % (j + 1, loss/len(X_and_z)))

This then gave me the following losses and parameters:

[iteration 0001] loss: 29.7135
[iteration 0101] loss: 4.6161
[iteration 0201] loss: 4.7610
[iteration 0301] loss: 4.0946
[iteration 0401] loss: 3.8583
[iteration 0501] loss: 3.8010
[iteration 0601] loss: 3.7266
[iteration 0701] loss: 3.6230
[iteration 0801] loss: 3.4929
[iteration 0901] loss: 3.3711

# With obs model
for name, value in pyro.get_param_store().items():
    print(name, pyro.param(name), pyro.param(name).shape)

auto_loc tensor([ 1.5752,  1.9036,  1.7293,  1.2149,  1.3549,  1.4660,  1.5495,  1.5199,
         1.3670,  1.7639,  2.0447,  1.5349,  1.7269,  1.6461,  1.3144,  1.7847,
         1.5538,  2.0627,  1.3742,  1.6399,  1.2461,  1.1668,  2.4442,  1.8599,
         1.3793,  0.9716,  1.4281,  1.3905,  1.1589,  1.5255,  1.2318,  1.1674,
         1.2114,  1.4748,  1.8203,  1.2250,  0.9152,  1.5038,  1.1281,  1.6029,
         1.4207,  2.0973,  1.5329,  1.4418,  1.5366,  1.3006,  1.3467,  1.4620,
         2.1395,  1.5185,  1.5207,  1.2547,  1.5547,  1.5540,  1.4916,  1.3020,
         1.5153,  1.1697,  1.4367,  0.9811,  1.1819,  1.2552,  1.5145,  1.8372,
         1.2713,  1.4987,  1.5078,  1.2076,  1.5469,  1.1251,  2.3320,  1.1417,
         1.1975,  1.7049,  1.1603,  1.4760,  1.2557,  1.3845,  1.5729,  1.1285,
         1.2072,  1.1412,  1.7014,  1.7424,  1.0425,  1.2191,  1.7736,  2.1868,
         1.6765,  1.5919,  1.3682,  1.4483,  2.5514,  2.1047,  1.4144,  1.6414,
         1.5273,  1.1809,  1.8491,  1.2392,  1.4084,  1.1238,  2.6613,  1.4572,
         1.2879,  1.2808,  1.7650,  1.5197,  1.3765,  2.4904,  1.4313,  1.3829,
         1.6127,  1.5570,  1.3939,  1.4727,  1.5342,  1.3148,  1.5934,  1.3072,
         1.7571,  2.2243,  2.2008,  1.3384,  1.2911,  1.2438,  1.4588,  1.8506,
         1.4949,  1.3469, -0.0884,  0.0638, -0.0652,  0.1049, -0.0253, 11.4191],
       requires_grad=True) torch.Size([136])
auto_scale tensor([0.3781, 0.8812, 0.9367, 0.8434, 0.8525, 0.8364, 0.8990, 0.8881, 0.8960,
        0.8428, 0.8487, 0.9105, 0.8389, 0.8692, 0.9308, 0.9092, 0.7921, 0.8101,
        0.7852, 0.8016, 0.8839, 0.8495, 0.8818, 0.8740, 0.7862, 0.9151, 0.8602,
        0.9156, 0.9298, 0.7928, 0.9807, 0.9286, 0.8600, 0.8443, 0.8855, 0.8889,
        0.8752, 0.8385, 0.8879, 0.8787, 0.8877, 0.8246, 0.8388, 0.7809, 0.8906,
        0.8970, 0.8267, 0.8196, 0.8011, 0.8834, 0.8472, 0.9160, 0.8691, 0.8302,
        0.8097, 0.8748, 0.9058, 0.7759, 0.8418, 0.8937, 0.9757, 0.8007, 0.9057,
        0.8539, 0.7408, 0.8163, 0.8763, 0.8826, 0.8412, 0.8188, 0.7885, 0.8916,
        0.7838, 0.9019, 0.8537, 0.8709, 0.8879, 0.8449, 0.8115, 0.8510, 0.9078,
        0.8710, 0.8935, 0.8671, 0.8822, 0.8705, 0.8498, 0.8314, 0.9034, 0.9495,
        0.8732, 0.9047, 0.7394, 0.7512, 0.9212, 0.8179, 0.7292, 0.8706, 0.9672,
        0.8535, 0.8718, 0.8957, 0.7607, 0.8774, 0.8542, 0.8854, 0.8569, 0.7995,
        0.8654, 0.7449, 0.8614, 0.8662, 0.9169, 0.9063, 0.9495, 0.8056, 0.9239,
        0.8958, 0.8614, 0.8758, 0.8066, 0.8269, 0.8363, 0.8656, 0.8406, 0.8347,
        0.8266, 0.8977, 0.8421, 0.8378, 0.2042, 0.1784, 0.1919, 0.1640, 0.1997,
        0.3202], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>) torch.Size([136])
  1. I then used model_c to condition on observed y using pyro.condition() and checked for the same:
optim = Adam({"lr": 0.03})
cond_model = pyro.condition(model_c, data = {"obs" : Y_million.reshape(3181)})
guide = AutoDiagonalNormal(cond_model, init_loc_fn = init_to_feasible)
svi = SVI(cond_model, guide, optim, loss=Trace_ELBO(), num_samples=10000)

num_iterations = 1000
def train():
    for j in range(num_iterations):
        loss = svi.step(X_and_z, Y_million.reshape(1, 3181))
        if j % 100 == 0:
            print("[iteration %04d] loss: %.4f" % (j + 1, loss/len(X_and_z)))
[iteration 0001] loss: 29.7135
[iteration 0101] loss: 4.6161
[iteration 0201] loss: 4.7610
[iteration 0301] loss: 4.0946
[iteration 0401] loss: 3.8583
[iteration 0501] loss: 3.8010
[iteration 0601] loss: 3.7266
[iteration 0701] loss: 3.6230
[iteration 0801] loss: 3.4929
[iteration 0901] loss: 3.3711

# With conditioned model
for name, value in pyro.get_param_store().items():
    print(name, pyro.param(name), pyro.param(name).shape)

auto_loc tensor([ 1.6132,  2.7714,  2.5792,  2.0241,  2.1809,  2.3087,  2.2511,  2.3428,
         2.2490,  2.7082,  3.0203,  2.4826,  2.7354,  2.4863,  2.0219,  2.6712,
         2.4538,  2.9045,  2.2683,  2.5128,  2.2497,  2.0157,  3.3892,  2.6955,
         2.2234,  1.6766,  2.3512,  2.1573,  1.9666,  2.4318,  2.2161,  1.9102,
         2.0722,  2.4220,  2.7766,  1.8294,  1.6031,  2.2478,  1.9566,  2.3849,
         2.2140,  2.9028,  2.5078,  2.3861,  2.3860,  2.0456,  2.1457,  2.4038,
         3.0510,  2.2109,  2.3494,  1.9805,  2.3524,  2.3598,  2.3478,  2.2067,
         2.1379,  1.9105,  2.2777,  1.8151,  2.0005,  2.2392,  2.3093,  2.6808,
         2.0162,  2.4783,  2.4935,  2.1366,  2.4325,  1.9198,  3.2639,  1.9199,
         2.0147,  2.5201,  1.9299,  2.3060,  2.0703,  2.1851,  2.4940,  1.9562,
         2.0531,  2.0722,  2.6879,  2.6579,  1.6239,  1.9451,  2.6679,  3.1080,
         2.5605,  2.4904,  2.1577,  2.3007,  3.4252,  3.1737,  2.2489,  2.5733,
         2.3683,  1.9356,  2.7642,  2.2878,  2.1554,  2.0033,  3.4997,  2.2529,
         2.2691,  2.1176,  2.6994,  2.4119,  2.2028,  3.3839,  2.3140,  2.1525,
         2.5463,  2.2762,  2.3282,  2.2763,  2.5435,  2.0169,  2.4871,  2.1349,
         2.7200,  3.1535,  3.1368,  2.0324,  2.0856,  2.0134,  2.4037,  2.7132,
         2.3139,  2.1486, -0.2466,  0.0903, -0.1047,  0.2029, -0.0666,  7.8326],
       requires_grad=True) torch.Size([136])
auto_scale tensor([0.5493, 0.8645, 0.7676, 0.8458, 0.9359, 0.9723, 0.8601, 0.8278, 0.8688,
        0.8065, 0.8890, 0.8186, 0.8317, 0.8664, 0.9159, 0.8246, 0.8372, 0.7962,
        0.8844, 0.7761, 0.8720, 0.7950, 0.7659, 0.8668, 0.8509, 0.9081, 0.8105,
        0.8173, 0.8717, 0.8438, 0.8572, 0.9669, 0.8819, 0.8530, 0.7883, 0.8392,
        0.8440, 0.8996, 0.8765, 0.8916, 0.8976, 0.8247, 0.8810, 0.8846, 0.8333,
        0.8479, 0.7473, 0.8615, 0.8197, 0.8579, 0.8787, 0.8492, 0.8801, 0.8171,
        0.8782, 0.8881, 0.9359, 0.7999, 0.9454, 0.8929, 0.7871, 0.8273, 0.8825,
        0.9139, 0.8244, 0.8505, 0.8168, 0.7927, 0.8230, 0.8653, 0.7898, 0.9207,
        0.8871, 0.7965, 0.8993, 0.8590, 0.9090, 0.8746, 0.8706, 0.8929, 0.8608,
        0.8351, 0.8591, 0.8334, 0.8578, 0.8923, 0.8580, 0.7879, 0.7564, 0.8824,
        0.8359, 0.9050, 0.8133, 0.8108, 0.9384, 0.7770, 0.8682, 0.9074, 0.8448,
        0.7789, 0.8541, 0.9117, 0.7664, 0.8085, 0.9002, 0.8371, 0.8881, 0.8344,
        0.8924, 0.7709, 0.7925, 0.8309, 0.8507, 0.8539, 0.8713, 0.8328, 0.8393,
        0.9083, 0.8275, 0.9502, 0.7257, 0.8732, 0.8322, 0.8320, 0.8606, 0.8345,
        0.8317, 0.8608, 0.8084, 0.8753, 0.1912, 0.1554, 0.2356, 0.1696, 0.1852,
        0.6428], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>) torch.Size([136])

The loss values and parameters are very different but theoretically isn’t using obs and using pyro.condition just two syntactically different ways of doing the same thing i.e conditioning on observed data? So my 2 questions are:

  1. Where am I going wrong: is my implementation wrong somewhere or have I misunderstood obs and pyro.condition?
  2. My x_data has shape 3181 x 134 but when I check my inferred parameters is says torch.size[136]. I can understand one extra value for the intercept to make it 135 but where’s the 136th value coming from?

Hi @SiddheshA,

  1. That is indeed weird that you get the exact same losses but different parameters. The two version obs=___ and pyro.condition(data={'obs'=___}) should be identical. I’m not sure what is different between the two version, all I see is that obs has different shape, (1,3181) versus (3181,), but that shouldn’t matter. Could you first fix a few minor typos (e.g. model is undefined, y_data is unused in model) and I’ll take another look?

  2. Dimension 136 = 134 + 1 + 1 for linear.weight, linear.bias, and sigma :smile:

Note num_samples does not affect training. I often use Trace_ELBO(num_particles=100, vectorize_particles=True) in mid-sized models like this.

BTW I’m curious, why do you use init_to_feasible? We are trying to make AutoGuides easier to use, so if you have suggestions let us know.