Questions about examples in the inference with discrete latent variable tutorial

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    inference with discrete latent variable tutorial
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    I found that in the indexing with enumerated variables part, this following example will give the same result with or without Vindex, that is, if you delete the vindex code in the pc line, the result won’t change. And this confused me about what the meaning of using Vindex in this situation. Would someone please do some modifications to this example to let the idea behide Vindex more clear?
def model():
    data_plate = pyro.plate("data_plate", 6, dim=-1)
    feature_plate = pyro.plate("feature_plate", 5, dim=-2)
    component_plate = pyro.plate("component_plate", 4, dim=-1)
    with feature_plate:
        with component_plate:
            p = pyro.sample("p", dist.Dirichlet(torch.ones(3)))
    with data_plate:
        c = pyro.sample("c", dist.Categorical(torch.ones(4)))
        with feature_plate as vdx:                # Capture plate index.
            pc = Vindex(p)[vdx[..., None], c, :]  # Reshape it and use in Vindex.
            x = pyro.sample("x", dist.Categorical(pc),
                            obs=torch.zeros(5, 6, dtype=torch.long))
    print(f"    p.shape = {p.shape}")
    print(f"    c.shape = {c.shape}")
    print(f"  vdx.shape = {vdx.shape}")
    print(f"    pc.shape = {pc.shape}")
    print(f"    x.shape = {x.shape}")

def guide():
    feature_plate = pyro.plate("feature_plate", 5, dim=-2)
    component_plate = pyro.plate("component_plate", 4, dim=-1)
    with feature_plate, component_plate:
        pyro.sample("p", dist.Dirichlet(torch.ones(3)))

print("Enumerated Inference:")
elbo = TraceEnum_ELBO(max_plate_nesting=2)
elbo.loss(model, guide);