Properly using a Scheduler with an optimizer

Just wondering if someone can provide a bit of advice on proper usage of a scheduler with an optimizer and SVI.

Here’s a few snippets of relevant code I’ve tried, along with accompanying error messages:


AdamArgs = { 'lr': 1e-3 }
optimizer = Adam
scheduler = pyro.optim.ExponentialLR({'optimizer': optimizer, 'optim_args': AdamArgs, 'gamma': 0.996 })
seqVAE = AEModel.SeqVAE(141, 128, 512, 2, 128, 3)
svi = SVI(seqVAE.model,, scheduler, loss=Trace_ELBO())

Throws error:

TypeError: <lambda>() got an unexpected keyword argument 'lr'


AdamArgs = { 'lr': 1e-3 }
optimizer = Adam(AdamArgs)
scheduler = pyro.optim.ExponentialLR({'optimizer': optimizer, 'optim_args': AdamArgs, 'gamma': 0.996 })
seqVAE = AEModel.SeqVAE(141, 128, 512, 2, 128, 3)
svi = SVI(seqVAE.model,, scheduler, loss=Trace_ELBO())

throws error:

TypeError: step() got an unexpected keyword argument 'lr'

What’s the proper usage here? I thought, in the case of my first example, that I was following the Pyro documentation…

Thanks in advance.

I should say that if I don’t use a scheduler and instead just the optimizer, everything runs and trains correctly without any errors, hence me not providing additional code.

Ugh, seems like I usually figure out the answer to my question right after caving and posting to a forum about it.

You have to provide an arg: ‘optimizer’ to the pyro.optim.PyroLRScheduler(). This optimizer needs to be a class of torch.optim.Optimizer. But it seems that providing a PyroOptim class isn’t allowed.

This problem was fixed like so:

AdamArgs = { 'lr': 1e-3 }
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam
scheduler = pyro.optim.ExponentialLR({'optimizer': optimizer, 'optim_args': AdamArgs, 'gamma': 0.996 })
seqVAE = AEModel.SeqVAE(141, 128, 512, 2, 128, 3)
svi = SVI(seqVAE.model,, scheduler, loss=Trace_ELBO())

Follow up question

In pytorch, you need to call scheduler.step() to step it forward, can do this once per epoch. Is the proper way too update the scheduler in Pyro to call scheduler.set_epoch(INT) ?


Is the proper way too update the scheduler in Pyro to call scheduler.set_epoch(INT) ?


note that ReduceLROnPlateau is the only scheduler not supported.

is ReduceLROnPlateau still not supported on pyro 3.3 ?

is ReduceLROnPlateau still not supported on pyro 3.3 ?

i created a PR for this. we’re a small team, so unless something is high priority/requested, we don’t get to everything in our pipeline. in general, if you’d like a specific feature, feel free to create an issue or open a PR :slight_smile:

I’ve been following this and it doesn’t seem to work in Pyro 1.3.1

@matohak can you please specify why you think it doesn’t work? for example, it may be that the documentation is unclear and you aren’t invoking it correctly. the test seems to suggest it works, so if that’s not the case it’d be great to get some details on your specific failure mode!