NUTS and Stochastic VI failing on simple local linear trend model

Hi everyone,

First, thanks for Pyro. It’s an excellent tool - I’m very excited about it.

My issue is I can’t seem to get it to do proper inference on a very simple time series inference problem. That is, I’d like to do inference on a local linear trend model on synthetic data and have Pyro recover the true parameters. Further, I’d like it to project out into the future. I’ve discovered that it does great for historical observations, but falls apart for inference in the future (where everything is unobserved). I’ve tried both VI and NUTS and both seem to be not working. I must be doing something wrong - i’d appreciate any help! Also, I’d be happy to commit this as a tutorial once this is complete. I’m sure people would appreciate a simple time series demo.

Let me show what I mean. This is the local linear trend model:

where the system is simulated out to some T and my observations of y stop at tau.

With that, I set these parameters:

T = 20 # Number of time indices for which we generate data
tau = 15 # The last time index for which we observe y
ep_scale = .1 # Standard deviation on epsilon error
eta_scale = .1 # Standard deviation on eta error
xi_scale = .1  # Standard deviation on xi error

and then create the following model, produce some synthetic data and condition on some of it.

def model():
    delta_s, mu_s, y_s = {'delta_0': 0}, {'mu_0': 0}, {'y_0': 0}

    for t in range(1, T+1):
        # Variable names
        delta_nm = 'delta_{}'.format(t)
        delta_nm_prev = 'delta_{}'.format(t-1)
        mu_nm = 'mu_{}'.format(t)
        mu_nm_prev = 'mu_{}'.format(t-1)
        y_nm = 'y_{}'.format(t)
        # Pyro random variables
        delta_s[delta_nm] = pyro.sample(delta_nm, dist.Normal(delta_s[delta_nm_prev], ep_scale))
        mu_s[mu_nm] = pyro.sample(mu_nm, dist.Normal(mu_s[mu_nm_prev] + delta_s[delta_nm], eta_scale))
        y_s[y_nm] = pyro.sample(y_nm, dist.Normal(mu_s[mu_nm], xi_scale))
    del delta_s['delta_0'], mu_s['mu_0'], y_s['y_0']
    return delta_s, mu_s, y_s

delta_s_true, mu_s_true, y_s_true = model()

observations = {'y_{}'.format(t):y_s_true['y_{}'.format(t)] for t in range(1, tau+1)}
conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data=observations)

Then, I perform inference (using NUTS here):

nuts_kernel = NUTS(conditioned_model, adapt_step_size=True)
hmc_posterior = MCMC(nuts_kernel, num_samples=100, warmup_steps=20).run()

And get results that look like this:

Which looks wrong. The inference algorithm should realize that the trend could go anywhere after our observations, yet that doesn’t happen. I get a similar issue if I use VI with a multivariate normal as a guide.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks so much

Hi @FullBayes, could you provide a full script to replicate your example data and prediction? It is quite complicated for me to look at the model and guess what is wrong. I just feel that it is better to put priors in ep, eta, xi, rather than than delta, mu.

FYI, we wrote a tutorial on timeseries forecasting with a model capable of detecting both seasonal and global trends. There you can find how we use posterior samples for prediction.

Hey @fehiepsi, thank you for your reply!

Regarding the priors, the issue I see with that is that the variances of these errors terms are fixed and known when we do inference. So I’m not sure putting a prior on them will help.

Also, the following script will do as you ask (though this is for Stochastic VI only, to keep it simple). It’ll save 4 images to the directory in which you run it. One named “losses” and 3 others named "Posterior for ".

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import date

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pyro
from pyro.optim import SGD, Adam
from pyro.infer import SVI, Trace_ELBO
# from pyro.infer.mcmc import NUTS, MCMC
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro.contrib.autoguide import AutoLowRankMultivariateNormal, AutoDiagonalNormal, AutoGuide, AutoDelta
import torch
from torch.distributions import constraints


# Define some plotting functions
def get_df_samples(guide, var_name, num_samples = 500):
    This returns a dataframe with samples of all variables starting with the string 'var_name'. In other words,
    this gives us a way to gather posterior samples of certain latent variables through time. The output
    has samples down the columns and time-indexed latent variables across the columns.
    samples = []
    for i in range(num_samples):
        post_sample = guide()
        if i == 0:
            names = [nm for nm in post_sample if nm.startswith(var_name)]
            names = sorted(names, key = lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1]))
        sample = {nm: post_sample[nm].item() for nm in names}
    return pd.DataFrame(samples)[names]

def standard_plot(figsize=(12,5)):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
    return fig, ax

def plot_true_vs_post_samples(samples, var_name, true_vars, 
                              credible_interval_widths = [.2, .4, .8, .95], 
    This creates a time series plot showing true latent variable values overlaid with posterior
    credibly intervals.

    # Calculate data for the plot
    percentiles = sorted([.5+sn*w/2 for w in credible_interval_widths for sn in [1,-1]])
    samp_percentiles = samples.quantile(percentiles)
    mean_sample = samples.mean()

    fig, ax = standard_plot(figsize)

    # Plot true values first
    true_var_nms = list(ky for ky in true_vars if ky.startswith(var_name))
    true_var_nms = sorted(true_var_nms, key = lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1]))
    var_true_by_t = pd.Series({t+1: true_vars[true_var_nms[t]].item() for t in range(len(true_var_nms))})
    t_index = var_true_by_t.index
    ax.plot(t_index, var_true_by_t.values, label = 'True ' + var_name, 
            color='green', linewidth=2)

    samp_t_index = [int(nm.split('_')[-1]) for nm in samp_percentiles]
    # Plot mean sample values
            mean_sample.values, label = 'Mean ' + var_name, color='blue')

    # Plot posterior credible intervals
    for w in credible_interval_widths:
        above = samp_percentiles.loc[.5 + w/2, :]
        below = samp_percentiles.loc[.5 - w/2, :]
        ax.fill_between(samp_t_index, above, below, alpha=.1, color='blue')

           ylabel='RV value', 
           title = f'Posterior Credible Intervals of {var_name} with widths = {credible_interval_widths}')

    return fig, ax

# Generate fake data according to a local linear trend model and perform inference to recover the true synthetic values.
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Some true synthetic data generation parameters
    T = 20 # Number of time indices for which we generate data
    tau = 15 # The last time index for which we observe y
    ep_scale = 1 # Standard deviation on epsilon error
    eta_scale = 1 # Standard deviation on eta error
    xi_scale = 1  # Standard deviation on xi error

    # Our model, a stochastic function. This is our data generation process according to a local linear trend model.
    def model():
        delta_s, mu_s, y_s = {'delta_0': 0}, {'mu_0': 0}, {'y_0': 0}

        for t in range(1, T+1):

            # Variable names
            delta_nm = 'delta_{}'.format(t)
            delta_nm_prev = 'delta_{}'.format(t-1)
            mu_nm = 'mu_{}'.format(t)
            mu_nm_prev = 'mu_{}'.format(t-1)
            y_nm = 'y_{}'.format(t)

            # Pyro random variables
            delta_s[delta_nm] = pyro.sample(delta_nm, dist.Normal(delta_s[delta_nm_prev], ep_scale))
            mu_s[mu_nm] = pyro.sample(mu_nm, dist.Normal(mu_s[mu_nm_prev] + delta_s[delta_nm], eta_scale))
            y_s[y_nm] = pyro.sample(y_nm, dist.Normal(mu_s[mu_nm], xi_scale))

        del delta_s['delta_0'], mu_s['mu_0'], y_s['y_0']

        return delta_s, mu_s, y_s

    # Generate synthetic data
    delta_s_true, mu_s_true, y_s_true = model()
    all_true_vars = {**delta_s_true, **mu_s_true, **y_s_true}

    # Condition on those observations
    observations = {'y_{}'.format(t):y_s_true['y_{}'.format(t)] for t in range(1, tau+1)}
    conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data=observations)

    # Create a simple guide
    guide = AutoLowRankMultivariateNormal(conditioned_model, 10)

    # Perform Inference (using VI) and plotting the VI loss.
    svi = SVI(conditioned_model, guide, Adam({"lr": 0.1}), Trace_ELBO())
    losses = []
    num_steps = 1200
    for t in range(num_steps):
        if not (t % 100):
    fig, ax = standard_plot()
    ax.plot(range(len(losses)), losses)
    _ = ax.set(xlabel='iterations', ylabel='ELBO Loss', title = 'Loss by VI iterations')

    # Inspect posterior samples
    credible_interval_widths = [.2, .4, .8, .95]
    num_samples = 500

    for var_name in ['mu', 'delta', 'y']:
        samples = get_df_samples(guide, var_name, num_samples)
        fig, ax = plot_true_vs_post_samples(samples, var_name, all_true_vars, credible_interval_widths)
        fig.savefig(f'Posterior for {var_name}.png')

Hi @FullBayes, I mean to sample the errors ep_nm, eta_nm instead of delta_nm and mu_nm so those variables can have the same scale.

        ep_nm = 'ep_{}'.format(t)
        eta_nm = 'eta_{}'.format(t)

        # Pyro random variables
        delta_s[delta_nm] = delta_s[delta_nm_prev] + pyro.sample(ep_nm, dist.Normal(0, ep_scale))
        mu_s[mu_nm] = mu_s[mu_nm_prev] + delta_s[delta_nm] + pyro.sample(eta_nm, dist.Normal(0, eta_scale))

It seems that you want to train and get prediction at the same time. It will severely affect the training process, and I don’t think SVI/MCMC can give any prediction at all. Usually, we only train the model to get posteriors of ep_nm, eta_nm. Then we use the posterior samples for prediction. For future error terms ep_..., eta_..., to my knowledge, we usually take the mean of error terms at previous time steps. Then we can use predictive utility to get prediction for future values. WDYT?

Sorry for the delay here!

It seems you have the better intuition here. Very useful insight. Though, it’s a little surprising, right? A sample from the posterior predictive for y_t (for t in the future) is the sample thing, theoretically, as the posterior sample of the hidden variable that is y_t. Maybe something fishy goes on when an RV is observed for some time and not in the future, and this is what causes it not to be sampled like other, completely hidden variables?

Regardless, thank you @fehiepsi