NaN issues with Reinforcement Learning in Pyro

I’m new to Pyro and I’m trying to implement a basic agent to solve the OpenAI gym cartpole exercise, using Sergey Levine’s (Reinforcement Learning and Control as Probabilistic Inference)[] tutorial. The basic structure is I sample a minibatch of trajectories (from the start until the cartpole falls over), then attempt to perform SVI on using this ELBO loss: ELBO term where $$r(s_t, a_t)$$ is a reward given by the simulator, and the second term is the log probability of a given action conditioned on the state the agent is in.
First off, is there a good way to handle the dependence between the pyro.sample (for choosing the action) statements needed to create the trajectory/data? I’ve only seen examples like the VAE where the data is known ahead of time.
My second question is that right now I’m getting NaN issues on the first SVI step. Is there a good way to visualize the PyTorch computational graph to understand why I’m getting these issues?

I’ve attached my code, and I appreciate any pointers!

import math
import gym
import torch
from torch import nn
import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro.optim import Adam
from pyro.infer import SVI, Trace_ELBO, TraceGraph_ELBO, TraceEnum_ELBO

num_epochs = 2
steps_per_epoch = 5
num_rollouts = 1
rollout_length = 5

class GuideDist(nn.Module):
    Basic linear perceptron with softmax, currently used
    def __init__(self):
        self.h1 = nn.Linear(STATE_DIM, ACTION_DIM)
    def forward(self, state, timestep, batch_num):
        pyro.module("posterior_guide", self)
        action_probs = nn.functional.softmax(self.h1(state), dim=0)
        #  DEBUG that softmax output is correct param for distribution
        assert torch.logical_and(action_probs < 1,
                0 < action_probs).all()
        assert torch.isclose(torch.sum(action_probs),
        pyro.sample("action_roll_{}_{}".format(batch_num, timestep),

def model(rollouts, lengths):
    Define the model for the agent
    # Assume a uniform action prior
    action_probs = torch.ones(ACTION_DIM) / ACTION_DIM
    #  for i in pyro.plate("rollouts", num_rollouts):
    for i in range(num_rollouts):
        rollout = rollouts[i]
        length = lengths[i]
        for t in range(length):
            # We sample an action and observe the reward
            #  rollout[t,1] is the reward from rollout i at timestep t
                dist.Uniform(math.exp(-1), 1), obs=rollout[t,1])

class CartpoleAgent:
    #  How do we infer the policy_dist?
    def __init__(self, max_timesteps_):
        self.env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
        self.max_timesteps = max_timesteps_
        self.policy = GuideDist()

    def __del__(self):

    def sample_trajectories(self, num_rollouts):
        # trajectory is list with [action, reward, observation] (observation
        # being 4 elements
        trajectories = torch.zeros(num_rollouts, self.max_timesteps,
                6, dtype=torch.float32)
        lengths = []
        for i in range(num_rollouts):
            #  Get initial state + initial reward is 1
            state = self.env.reset()
            for t in range(self.max_timesteps):
                action = self.action(t, state, i)
                next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
                #  Reward is always 1, thus e^(1-1) = 1 so leave it unchanged
                trajectories[i,t] = torch.tensor([action, reward, *state],
                state = next_state
                #  Take a step
                if done:
        return trajectories, lengths

    def render_trajectory(self):
        observation = self.env.reset()
        for t in range(self.max_timesteps):
            action = self.action(t, observation)
            observation, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
            if done:
                print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(t+1))

    def guide(self, rollouts, lengths):
        #  for i in pyro.plate("rollouts", num_rollouts):
        for i in range(num_rollouts):
            rollout = rollouts[i]
            length = lengths[i]
            for t in range(length):
                # We sample an action and observe the reward
                self.policy(rollout[t, 2:], t, i)

    def action(self, timestep, state, batch_num, use_random_policy=True):
        #  How to get policy_dist given state / condition on state?
        if use_random_policy:
            return pyro.sample("action_{}".format(timestep),
                    dist.Categorical(torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5]))).item()
            return self.policy(state, timestep, batch_num)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Clear param store

    # Init the agent 
    agent = CartpoleAgent(rollout_length)

    # setup the optimizer
    adam_params = {"lr": 0.0005, "betas": (0.90, 0.999)}
    optimizer = Adam(adam_params)

    # setup the inference algorithm
    svi = SVI(model,, optimizer, 
            #  loss=TraceEnum_ELBO())
            #  loss=Trace_ELBO())
    for i in range(num_epochs):
        #  Generate "samples_per_epoch" rollouts
        trajectories, lengths = agent.sample_trajectories(num_rollouts)
        print("Avg trajectory length: {}".format(sum(lengths)/len(lengths)))
        # Use SVI to update the agent
        for j in range(steps_per_epoch):
            svi.step(trajectories, lengths)

i don’t think there are any particularly easy ways to visualize the pytorch compute graph, unfortunately.

one thing you might try is to use baselines for your actions to reduce gradient variance.

you should also probably use the logits parameterization for the Categorical distribution, as this is likely to be more numerically stable.

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