Multivariate normal likelihood with heterogenous, block diagonal covariance

I have a multivariate normal likelihood with a block diagonal covariance matrix, with blocks of varying dimension.

Roughly speaking, the distribution has dimension 1million, and the covariance matrix has ~1,500 blocks of non-zero elements ranging from dimension 10 to 1000. Ultimately, I am interested in inferring parameters related only to the mean.

Due to size, I am using SVI, and I’ve factored the model by block using the sequential plate.

I’ve put the blocked data into python lists of torch tensors: mu, sigmaL and beta_hat. Each of which is a length k list containing tensors corresponding to the block data.

My model + guide has the following form:

def blocked_model(mu, sigmaL, beta_hat):
    k_blocks = len(mu) 
    for idx in pyro.plate("data", k_blocks, device=device):
        p_k = mu[idx].shape[0]
        beta_k = pyro.sample(
            dist.Normal(torch.zeros(p_k, device=device),
                        torch.ones(p_k, device=device))
                torch.matmul(mu[idx], beta_k), scale_tril=sigmaL[idx]

def blocked_guide(mu, sigmaL, beta_hat):
    k_blocks = len(beta_hat)
    for k in range(k_blocks):
        p_k = beta_hat[k].shape[0]
        beta_loc = pyro.param(f"beta_{k}_loc",
                              torch.zeros(p_k, device=device))
        beta_scale = pyro.param(f"beta_{k}_scale",
                                torch.ones(p_k, device=device),
        pyro.sample(f"beta_{k}", dist.Normal(beta_loc, beta_scale))

And this appears to work.

I’m pretty new to pytorch and pyro. Is a better way to write down this model/guide? Is any easy performance left on the table?

Loading all the data into memory provided a speedup. Moving to a GPU provided a speedup. I’ve also considered doing some distributed/multi-threaded training since each block is independent, but I’m not sure how that would work exactly.

I’ve also considered porting to numpyro, but there doesn’t appear to be an easy story about these kinds of jagged data structures there either.

perhaps the simplest change would be to keep the for loop but join the smaller covariance matrices into larger blocks. so instead of having dimensions like [2 4 10] have [[2 4] 10]

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That is an excellent suggestion! I will have to see what kinds of consolidations I can do there.

after you’ve done that there’s probably a version where you effectively pad each covariance matrix to the largest dimension and then do everything in a vectorized/batch manner so that e.g.
[[2 4] 10] becomes [6+4* 10] where 4* are dummy dimensions that don’t affect the model

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