Less accurate predictions with AutoNormal and AutoMultivariate compared to AutoDelta

Hello, I am trying to perform linear regression in the probabilistic framework. Since the data is high-dimensional, I am not doing a Bayesian inference but rather SVI. Initially, I was interested in getting only point estimates, so I was using AutoDelta. Now, I am interested in getting Confidence Intervals, so I have started experimenting with AutoNormal and AutoMultivariateNormal. AutoMultivariate gives accurate predictions compared to AutoNormal. However, AutoDelta gives the best results. What could be the reason behind this? Am I writing the code in the right manner? How do I determine which guide to use?

guide = AutoDelta(model)
optimizer = numpyro.optim.Adam(step_size=0.0005)
svi = SVI(model, guide, optimizer, loss=Trace_ELBO())
svi_current = svi.init(rng_key=rng, dat=holdData, enr_obs=np.array(holdData['DV']))
final_iter_params = svi.get_params(svi_current)
posterior_samples = guide.sample_posterior(rng, final_iter_params, sample_shape=(1,))
posterior_estimates = {k: np.array(samples.mean(axis=0)) for k, samples in posterior_samples.items()}

param_output = {}

for key, value in posterior_estimates.items():
        param_output[f'{key}_auto_loc'] = posterior_estimates[key].reshape(1, -1)[0]

    except KeyError:
guide = AutoNormal(model)
optimizer = numpyro.optim.Adam(step_size=0.0005)
svi = SVI(model, guide, optimizer, loss=Trace_ELBO())
svi_current = svi.init(rng_key=rng, dat=holdData, enr_obs=np.array(holdData['DV']))
final_iter_params = svi.get_params(svi_current)
posterior_samples = guide.sample_posterior(rng, final_iter_params, sample_shape=(1,))
posterior_quantiles = guide.quantiles(final_iter_params, [0.05, 0.5, 0.95])
posterior_estimates = {k: np.array(samples.mean(axis=0)) for k, samples in posterior_samples.items()}

param_output = {}

for key, value in posterior_estimates.items():
        param_output[f'{key}_auto_loc'] = posterior_estimates[key].reshape(1, -1)[0]

    except KeyError:
for key, quantile_values in posterior_quantiles.items():
        # Extract 5th, 50th (median), and 95th percentiles
        q05 = quantile_values[0].reshape(-1)
        q50 = quantile_values[1].reshape(-1)
        q95 = quantile_values[2].reshape(-1)
        param_output[f'{key}_5th_percentile'] = q05
        param_output[f'{key}_median'] = q50
        param_output[f'{key}_95th_percentile'] = q95

    except KeyError:

@fehiepsi @martinjankowiak I was wondering if either of you could take a look at this post when you get a chance. Thanks!

i don’t know what “accurate” means but as you make the guide more complicated (e.g. more parameters) the optimization problem gets harder so you may need to do more training steps, tune the learning rate more carefully, decay the learning rate appropriately, etc. see e.g. SVI Part IV: Tips and Tricks — Pyro Tutorials 1.9.1 documentation

I am determining accuracy based on MAPE, WMPAE, R2 between actual and predicted numbers. AutoDelta predictions were closer to actuals than AutoNormal and AutoMultivariate.