How to get progression in Multi-GPUs mode

I’m using 2 GPUs to run NUTS (2 chains), and get the following message

numpyro/ UserWarning: We will disable progress bar because it does not work yet on multi-GPUs platforms.
“We will disable progress bar because it does not work yet on multi-GPUs platforms.”

Is there a workaround to get some information on the progression of the 2 chains? Thanks

Currently, it is blocked by this upstream issue. Could you double check if it has been resolved. I don’t have 2 GPUs to test. :frowning:

Heuuu. what I should double check?

How about switching this line from False to True?

Ha I see, I let u know asap. Thanks

Well it seems that the program is idle

But the job is still alive and run

but the progress bar of chain 1 is not updated and for chain 0 the refreshing frequency is very low. And there is not number of steps/step size information

Well it is strange now the time spent for the two chains…