Hilbert Space GP Multivariate Example

I’m trying to adapt the Hilbert Space GP Approx to a multivariate example (the Friedman function) without much success.

import argparse
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from tensorflow_probability.substrates import jax as tfp

import numpyro
from numpyro import deterministic, plate, sample
import numpyro.distributions as dist
from numpyro.handlers import scope
from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, init_to_median

# --- Modelling utility functions --- #
def spectral_density(w, alpha, length):
    c = alpha * jnp.sqrt(2 * jnp.pi) * length
    e = jnp.exp(-0.5 * (length**2) * (w**2))
    return c * e

def diag_spectral_density(alpha, length, L, M):
    sqrt_eigenvalues = jnp.arange(1, 1 + M) * jnp.pi / 2 / L
    return spectral_density(sqrt_eigenvalues, alpha, length)

def eigenfunctions(x, L, M):
    The first `M` eigenfunctions of the laplacian operator in `[-L, L]`
    evaluated at `x`. These are used for the approximation of the
    squared exponential kernel.
    m1 = (jnp.pi / (2 * L)) * jnp.tile(L + x[:, None], M)
    m2 = jnp.diag(jnp.linspace(1, M, num=M))
    print (m1.shape)
    print (m2.shape)
    num = jnp.sin(m1 @ m2)
    den = jnp.sqrt(L)
    return num / den

def modified_bessel_first_kind(v, z):
    v = jnp.asarray(v, dtype=float)
    return jnp.exp(jnp.abs(z)) * tfp.math.bessel_ive(v, z)

def diag_spectral_density_periodic(alpha, length, M):
    Not actually a spectral density but these are used in the same
    way. These are simply the first `M` coefficients of the low rank
    approximation for the periodic kernel.
    a = length ** (-2)
    J = jnp.arange(0, M)
    c = jnp.where(J > 0, 2, 1)
    q2 = (c * alpha**2 / jnp.exp(a)) * modified_bessel_first_kind(J, a)
    return q2

def eigenfunctions_periodic(x, w0, M):
    Basis functions for the approximation of the periodic kernel.
    m1 = jnp.tile(w0 * x[:, None], M)
    m2 = jnp.diag(jnp.arange(M, dtype=jnp.float32))
    mw0x = m1 @ m2
    cosines = jnp.cos(mw0x)
    sines = jnp.sin(mw0x)
    return cosines, sines

# --- Approximate Gaussian processes --- #
def approx_se_ncp(x, alpha, length, L, M):
    Hilbert space approximation for the squared
    exponential kernel in the non-centered parametrisation.
    phi = eigenfunctions(x, L, M)
    spd = jnp.sqrt(diag_spectral_density(alpha, length, L, M))
    with plate("basis", M):
        beta = sample("beta", dist.Normal(0, 1))

    f = deterministic("f", phi @ (spd * beta))
    return f

def approx_periodic_gp_ncp(x, alpha, length, w0, M):
    Low rank approximation for the periodic squared
    exponential kernel in the non-centered parametrisation.
    q2 = diag_spectral_density_periodic(alpha, length, M)
    cosines, sines = eigenfunctions_periodic(x, w0, M)

    with plate("cos_basis", M):
        beta_cos = sample("beta_cos", dist.Normal(0, 1))

    with plate("sin_basis", M - 1):
        beta_sin = sample("beta_sin", dist.Normal(0, 1))

    # The first eigenfunction for the sine component
    # is zero, so the first parameter wouldn't contribute to the approximation.
    # We set it to zero to identify the model and avoid divergences.
    zero = jnp.array([0.0])
    beta_sin = jnp.concatenate((zero, beta_sin))

    f = deterministic("f", cosines @ (q2 * beta_cos) + sines @ (q2 * beta_sin))
    return f

# --- Components of the Birthdays model --- #
def trend_gp(x, L, M):
    alpha = sample("alpha", dist.HalfNormal(1.0))
    length = sample("length", dist.InverseGamma(10.0, 2.0))
    f = approx_se_ncp(x, alpha, length, L, M)
    return f

def year_gp(x, w0, M):
    alpha = sample("alpha", dist.HalfNormal(1.0))
    length = sample("length", dist.HalfNormal(0.2))  # scale=0.1 in original
    f = approx_periodic_gp_ncp(x, alpha, length, w0, M)
    return f

# --- Model --- #
def birthdays_model(
    intercept = sample("intercept", dist.Normal(0, 1))
    f1 = scope(trend_gp, "trend")(x, 1.5, 10)

    # --- Combine components
    f = deterministic("f", intercept + f1 )
    sigma = sample("sigma", dist.HalfNormal(0.5))
    with plate("obs", x.shape[0]):
        sample("y", dist.Normal(f, sigma), obs=y)

# --- functions for running the model --- #

import numpy as np
x = np.random.uniform(0,1,(1000,5))

def friedman(x):

y = friedman(x)

mcmc = MCMC(
        NUTS(birthdays_model, init_strategy=init_to_median),
mcmc.run(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), x=x,y=y)

samples = mcmc.get_samples()

I think I don’t fully understand what’s happening in the creation of m1 and m2 and why I’m getting the dimensions I’m getting. Could anyone take a look?