Dirichlet Process Tutorial - Is beta parameter needed?

In the tutorial Dirichlet Process Mixture Models in Pyro the model draws \beta_i \sim Beta(1,\alpha). It then uses “stick-breaking” function mix_weights to get the probabilities in the Categorical distribution for the latent parameter z_i. However in the guide the link between \beta and z is lost and z is optimized independently. As a result it seems that \beta has no influence on the posterior and can be completely omitted from the model/guide.

Even the truncation function truncate does not take into account the \beta parameters.

The model can be simplified to:

def model(data):
    # with pyro.plate("beta_plate", T-1):
    #     beta = pyro.sample("beta", Beta(1, torch.tensor(.1).to(cuda_device)))

    with pyro.plate("mu_plate", T):
        mu = pyro.sample("mu", MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(2).cuda(), 5 * torch.eye(2).cuda()))

    with pyro.plate("data", N):
        # z = pyro.sample("z", Categorical(mix_weights(beta)))
        z = pyro.sample("z", Categorical( mix_weights(Beta(1, torch.tensor(.1)).sample([T-1]).to(cuda_device)) ))
        pyro.sample("obs", MultivariateNormal(mu[z], torch.eye(2).cuda()), obs=data)

The guide becomes:

def guide(data):
    # kappa = pyro.param('kappa', lambda: Uniform(0, 2).sample([T-1]).cuda(), constraint=constraints.positive)
    tau = pyro.param('tau', lambda: MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(2).to(cuda_device), 3 * torch.eye(2).to(cuda_device)).sample([T]))
    phi = pyro.param('phi', lambda: Dirichlet(1/T * torch.ones(T).to(cuda_device)).sample([N]), constraint=constraints.simplex)

    # with pyro.plate("beta_plate", T-1):
    #     q_beta = pyro.sample("beta", Beta(torch.ones(T-1).to(cuda_device), kappa))

    with pyro.plate("mu_plate", T):
        q_mu = pyro.sample("mu", MultivariateNormal(tau, torch.eye(2).to(cuda_device)))

    with pyro.plate("data", N):
        z = pyro.sample("z", Categorical(phi))

Is my line of thought correct?

no. the direct link may be “lost” but the guide is always being fit to approximate the model posterior so the link is always there. z in the guide needs to find a balance between fitting the observed data and respecting the prior over z in the model, which in turn is dictated by the prior over beta in the model.

your modification represents a different modeling choice. perhaps better, perhaps worse, but distinct.

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