Difficulty implementing MAP estimator

I’m trying to follow this tutorial for implementing an MAP model in Pyro for a linear regression. My code looks like this:

import torch
import pyro

import pyro.distributions as dist

from pyro.infer import SVI, Trace_ELBO

from torch.distributions import constraints

class MAP_LR:
    def __init__(self,  n_iter=1000):
        self.n_iter_ = n_iter
    def fit(self, x, y):
    def train_point_estimate(self, model, guide, x, y, lr=0.1):
        adam = pyro.optim.Adam({"lr": lr})
        self.svi = SVI(model, guide, adam, loss=Trace_ELBO())
        print_interval = min(self.n_iter_//10, 10000)
        for step in range(self.n_iter_):
            loss = self.svi.step(x, y)/y.shape[0]
            if (step % print_interval == 0):
                print(f"{step} - loss: {loss}")
        print(f"{step} - loss: {loss}")
    def model_MAP(self, x, y):
        beta_0 = pyro.sample("beta_0", dist.Normal(torch.tensor(0.0), 
        beta_1 = pyro.sample("beta_1", dist.Normal(torch.tensor(0.0), 
        sigma = pyro.sample("sigma", 
        mu = beta_0 + (beta_1 * x)
        with pyro.plate("data", y.size(0)):
            pyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(mu, sigma), obs=y)
    def guide_MAP(self, x, y):
        beta_0_val = pyro.param("beta_0_val", torch.tensor(0.0))
        pyro.sample("beta_0", dist.Delta(beta_0_val))
        beta_1_val = pyro.param("beta_1_val", torch.tensor(0.0))
        pyro.sample("beta_1", dist.Delta(beta_1_val))
        sigma_val = pyro.param("sigma_val", torch.tensor(10.0), 
                               constraint = constraints.positive)
        pyro.sample("sigma", dist.Delta(sigma_val))

This works fine, but if I change one of my beta_ pyro.param statements to start with torch.tensor(10.0) instead of torch.tensor(0.0) I get nans for the loss value.

0 - loss: 8.826700978114876e+35
100 - loss: nan
/anaconda3/envs/pyroenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyro/infer/trace_elbo.py:138: UserWarning: Encountered NaN: loss
  warn_if_nan(loss, "loss")
200 - loss: nan
300 - loss: nan
400 - loss: nan
500 - loss: nan
600 - loss: nan
700 - loss: nan
800 - loss: nan
900 - loss: nan
999 - loss: nan

Additionally, if I change the prior for beta_1 from dist.Normal(torch.tensor(0.0), torch.tensor(1.0)) to dist.Normal(torch.tensor(100.0), torch.tensor(1.0)), my final estimate for beta_1_val does not change at all.
I tried changing the default tensor type, doesn’t help

my x and y have 2905 values, why is this behaving so strange?

if you initialize to a point that’s very unlikely under the prior you can easily run into numerical problems. note the extremely high value of your initial loss. care needs to be taken with respect to initialization if you want good results.

you also appear to be using quite a large learning rate (lr=0.01). that can also lead to numerical instabilities.

What’s a reasonable value for the learning rate?

I noticed the ELBO loss increases as data size increases, is there any way to scale the loss by the data size before gradient steps are taken?

regarding the learning rate, it’s hard to say in general. perhaps ~ 0.01 for “easier” problems and ~ 0.001 - 0.0001 for “harder” problems.

there are different ways to scale the loss. one is described here.