Can mcmc.get_samples() return entire chains WITH warm-up draws?

Really dumb question but I’m currently doing MCMC with AIES (or NUTS):

mcmc = MCMC(AIES(model),num_warmup=500,num_samples=500,num_chains=20,chain_method='vectorized'), model_params=model_params, obs_data=obs_data, obs_sigma=0.1)

Then I can use Predictive to get posterior samples of my model parameters but this seems to exclude warmup samples by default :

Predictive(model, mcmc.get_samples())(key(1), model_params)["obs"]

Is there anyway to get the entire chain INCLUDING the warm-up samples? I want to make a movie showing how initially the draws from the prior don’t match obs_data but then eventually later samples from the chain (which may happen before/after num_warmup draws…) start to match the data. But for this I need samples from the warmup/burn-in stage…

Hmm, now that I think about I guess I can just set num_warmup = 0 and then num_samples = 1000 for example which means the first 500 draws would not get discarded right? I guess this should work BUT it’s not ideal since then any convergence statistics like Rhat, effective sample size, etc. computed by numpyro might be suspect. I guess in this case the user would have to do any discard of early burn-in draws themselves before computing convergence, plotting posteriors, etc. Am I getting this right? I guess implementing something like discard_warmup = True/False for like pymc could be an easy and useful convenience feature?

you can use mcmc.wamup(..., collect_warmup=True) then get samples.

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@fehiepsi thanks that works but also:

is there a way to also output parameter values for all substeps of the trajectory within a single NUTS iteration? So for example if a single iteration requires 2^10=4096 steps (“of size …” as printed in the progress bar), and I requested num_warmup=1000, and if every single one of those iterations’ trajectories were 4096 steps long, then I should have a total of 4096*1000 = 4,096,000 samples. (This is overkill but it should clarify what I’m asking.)

It is not supported, seems tricky to implement for NUTS.

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