AutoRegressiveNN's default arguments


I have been trying to figure out how to use AutoRegressiveNN for implementing a MAF-like model.

In it’s implementation, the mask_encoding is by default initialized as

self.mask_encoding = 1 + torch.multinomial(torch.full((input_dim - 1,), 1 / (input_dim - 1)),
                                           num_samples=hidden_dim, replacement=True)

If I’m not wrong, self.mask_encoding indicates the number of input dimensions each hidden unit can depend on.
I don’t see how this initialization can guarantee the autoregressive property: It is possible that multiple elements of this vector end up as input_dim, which would guarantee elements in the upper half of the mask.

(For this reasoning I am assuming no input permutation and a suitable permutation of the hidden units so that the corresponding elements of mask_encoding are monotonously increasing)

Did I miss something or does this implementation indeed not guarantee an autoregressive layer?

afaik as i know the implementation is fine. there is even a unit test that checks that the jacobian is indeed triangular:

mask_encoding is what’s called m(k) in the MADE paper (

it is used to create the actual masks M_W and M_V (equations 8 and 9 in the paper), which are what controls the connectivity pattern. i hope that clarifies what’s happening in the code.