Problems transforming a pymc3 model to pyro (mcmc)

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for your help!

I guess for now I’ll stick to using SVI in Pyro (although I’m looking forward to trying out more models like this in the future if MCMC is developed further!).

I recently implement this model with pyro, however with SVI,

after doing some math, I replace the gauss random walk with a multivariate normal with a special lower triangular matrix, as specified by the following model code:

################## vectorized version
def model_vec(data_vec):
    N = len(data_vec)
    rv_sigma = pyro.sample("rv_sigma", dist.Exponential(torch.tensor(50.)))
    rv_nu = pyro.sample("rv_nu", dist.Exponential(torch.tensor(0.1)))
    # random walks model corresponds to scale_tril of tril of all one matrix
    rv_s = pyro.sample("rv_s", dist.MultivariateNormal(loc=torch.zeros(N)*0.0, scale_tril=torch.ones((N,N)).tril()))
                dist.StudentT(rv_nu, loc=torch.tensor(0.), scale=rv_s.exp()).independent(),

def guide_vec(data_vec):
    N = len(data_vec)
    ##### params
    p_sigma_1 = pyro.param("p_sigma_1", torch.tensor(0.))
    p_sigma_2 = pyro.param("p_sigma_2", torch.tensor(1.),
    p_nu_1 = pyro.param("p_nu_1", torch.tensor(0.))
    p_nu_2 = pyro.param("p_nu_2", torch.tensor(1.),

    p_s_loc = pyro.param("p_s_loc", torch.zeros(N)) 
    p_s_scale = pyro.param("p_s_scale", torch.ones(N),

    ##### rvs
    rvq_sigma = pyro.sample("rv_sigma", dist.LogNormal(p_sigma_1, p_sigma_2))
    rvq_nu = pyro.sample("rv_nu", dist.LogNormal(p_nu_1, p_nu_2))
    pyro.sample("rv_s", dist.Normal(p_s_loc, p_s_scale).independent())

I tried on the sp500 data used by the pymc3 tutorial, however the estimated s is quite unsmooth as shown in the following plot

Any idea of how to improve the inference?

First, I find initialization to be quite important in SVI. You might try initializing p_s_loc to data and p_s_scale to either overestimate or underestimate variance

pyro.param("p_s_loc", torch.abs(data_vec).log1p())  # or similar
pyro.param("p_s_scale", 0.1 * torch.ones(N),

or maybe

pyro.param("p_s_scale", 10.0 * torch.ones(N),

Second, I believe your guide can be automatically constructed via

guide = pyro.contrib.autoguide.AutoDiagonalNormal(model)

though you would need to interact with it a bit differently.

Thanks @fritzo for the quick reply. I tried both of the initialization strategy.

  • init with small scale gives similar result
  • init with large s_scale takes longer to converge.

However the resulting exp(s) are both unsmooth, as previous result.

I am thinking if fully factorized approximation of s over simplified the problem. In the model, s_t is correlated with s_{t-1}. Is it possible to specify the following approximated posterior in an efficient way in pyro?

p(s) = p(s_0)p(s_1|s_0)p(s_2|s_1)\cdotsp(s_n|s_{n-1})
where each conditional p is a Normal?